“Our real estate portfolio is concentrated on brands. They stand for a quality promise to our customers and create trust. A high level of standardisation not only forms the basis for strong market recognition, but also brings cost savings. Instead of developing numerous individual concepts, we are rolling out a uniform concept in all countries. This approach is now being extended to our brand advertising, and STOP SHOP is the starting point“, explained Dietmar Reindl, COO of IMMOFINANZ.

“We carried out a representative market analysis for all 67 STOP SHOP-locations to identify the so-called brand drivers, meaning the reasons people visit our STOP SHOPs. That formed the basis for our new “easy shopping“ claim“, indicated Bernhard Klein, Head of International Marketing and Brand Management at IMMOFINANZ. “The advertising images create a need through funny characters, which is then met by the headline: STOP SHOP has the right offering for you!“

In addition to the persuasion strategy and imagery, the corporate design was also redefined: the logo in the advertising was enlarged and will be transported together with the “easy shopping“ claim and a smiley below the logo.

STOP SHOPs are the IMMOFINANZ brand for retail parks. They are characterised by a standardised format and an attractive tenant mix. The locations are found primarily in catchment areas with 30,000 to 150,000 residents and generally have 8,000 to 15,000 sqm of rentable space. The STOP SHOPs are attractive properties with uniform quality standards, an easy-shopping concept for everyday needs and high recognition value. IMMOFINANZ’s STOP SHOP portfolio currently covers 67 locations in eight countries with approx. 456,000 sqm of rentable space in total and an occupancy rate of 97.7% at the end of June 2017.