Abbreviated Call for Proposals to conduct an open procurement procedure
December 15, 2017
Joint Notice of BKK Zrt. And BKÜ Zrt. Subject of the procedure: Open procedure for the purchase of the office space for the BKK Budapest Transport Center Private Limited Company and the BKÜ Budapest Transport Customer Relationships Private Placement Company. Name and address of the contracting authority: BKK Zrt. and BKÜ Zrt., 1075 Budapest, Rumbach Sebestyén utca 19-21. Principal terms and duration of the proposed contract: Five-year fixed-term leasing agreement, after the fifth year, by a three-year extension option from the contracting authority Lessor will, at the expiration of the deadline set in the lease agreement, carry out his / her own expense according to the minimum requirements specified in the technical specification. construction or renovation works. Purchase volume: BKÜ Zrt. Is a minimum of 2,200 sqm, up to 2,600 sqm, while office space for BKK Zrt. Is 3,400 sqm and up to 4,100 sq. Ft., In the same building or in building groups with the same number of billboards. Each of the tenancy areas must be physically separate leased premises at corporate level. A category "A" office space in the ground floor layout and equipment according to the needs of the Contracting Authority. Contracting Parties reserve the right to deviate from the above-defined floor areas at any time without charging a separate charge for the duration of the lease contract by no more than -15% without justification; Contracts hold up to 15% of the start-up area for up to 15% option rights. The contracting authority's request regarding the location of the rental property, which is also a criterion of criticism (the non-fulfillment of the bid is void): The Mayor's Office H-1052 Budapest, Bárczy István u. At the entrance of the number 10 (GPS: 47.4965864, 19.0543897) by public transport 2/2 of the public transport service to the main entrance of the application office, working day at 8.00 am (traveling and walking), maximum 20 minutes of access time and the nearest metro station up to 350 meters from the surface overpass. Further specification of this task is contained in the Call for Proposals and its Annexes. Type of request for tenders: The call for proposals is based on electronic tendering system of Electool Hungary Kft., E-Tendering. Following the submission of the offer (s), if necessary by keeping an electronic price negotiation and / or holding a personal price negotiation. TERMS OF TENDER: 04 January 2018 (Thursday) 14:00 HOURS Conditions for making the invitation and its annexes: This Abbreviated Bidding Notice is indicative given that the procurement procedure is carried out on Electool's tender system, the detailed terms of the bidding - - can be found at The Electool registration can be requested at the following addresses: BKÜ Budapest Transport Customer Relations Ltd. PurchasingZoltán Kellner + 36-70-490-3755 E-mail: [email protected] and / or Csaba Kovács + 36-70- 390-3722 E-mail: [email protected] The Call for Proposals of Electool Hungary Kft. Can be viewed from the date of publication of the announcement, after the registration in the system, until the deadline for the submission of the bid (upload deadline). This announcement is informative, in the context of the procedure it is essential that it does not create a contractual obligation for the contracting parties at all stages of the procurement process!
2200 - 4100 m2
Rental Cost
10 -
20 €/m2
District 1, District 2, District 3, District 5, District 6, District 7, District 8, District 9, District 10, District 11, District 12, District 13, District 14
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